
Digital Gelato Master Class

#01 History of Gelato



#01 Gelatoの历史



#02 Gelato Equipment



#02 Gelatoの设备



#03 Gelato Ingredients



#03 Gelatoの原材料



#04 Gelato, Sorbet & Sherbet



#04 意式冰淇淋、雪葩和雪泥



#05 Sorbet Recipe Components

[Coming Soon]


#05 雪葩食谱成分



#06 Sorbet Recipe Calculation

[Coming Soon]


#06 雪葩食谱の计算



#07 Gelato Recipe Components

[Coming Soon]


#07 Gelato食谱の成分



#08 Gelato Recipe Calculation

[Coming Soon]


#08 Gelato食谱の计算



#09 Sherbet Recipe Components

[Coming Soon]


#09 雪泥食谱の成分



#10 Sherbet Recipe Calculation

[Coming Soon]


#10 雪泥食谱の计算



#11 Emulsifier & Stabilizer

[Coming Soon]


#11 乳化剂和稳定剂



#12 Anti Freezing Power

[Coming Soon]


#12 防冻能力



#13 Sweetnss Calculation

[Coming Soon]


#13 甜度计算



#14 Problems & Solutions

[Coming Soon]


#14 问题与解决方案



#15 Creativity of Gelato

[Coming Soon]


#15 Gelatoの创造力



#16 Gelato B2C Retail

[Coming Soon]


#16 GelatoのB2C零售



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